Top 5 property maintenance issues and how to fix them?

Top 5 property maintenance issues and how to fix them?

Home is where your heart is. Property maintenance is a very complex but inevitable part of our lives. Maintenance should be your top priority to save yourself from future serious complications. People are familiar with the hassles they face in maintaining their properties. Doesn’t matter if your property is old or new maintenance is unavoidable.

Time can cause your property to wear and tear. Preparing for it beforehand will save you or your tenants from unnecessary stress. Property owners are used to the calls full of complaints. Being a property owner, this is your moral duty to provide a home safe from all mishaps.

Property maintenance is a long-term investment. If you are not on top of your repairs this can lead to grave problems and accidents. Here are the top 5 issues and their solutions:

Top 5 property maintenance issues and how to fix them

What are top maintenance problems?

Issue 1: heating/cooling system

The zones which face high or low temperatures all over the year HVAC systems are a blessing. These systems are in use throughout the year. If the system is not functioning properly can cause unavoidable stress on residents. As the property owner, you should get your system serviced consistently.

The continuous use can put a strain on the system causing it to wear away over time. The ducts can become home to many harmful bacteria. You should change the filters of your system regularly. If it is still not fixing the problem then immediately seek professional help to save yourself from costly repairs.

Issue 2: lightening

These issues can be minor as bulb fuse or as big as faulty wiring. The collapse can happen if there is excessive load on the circuit. It can even cause short circuits which can lead to severe mishaps. It can put lives in danger. The issue may start from something minor like lights flickering and can escalate within minutes.

Nowadays it’s impossible for people to function without lights. Lightening can make the look of your house or wreck it. You could fix bulbs at home. But if there is a massive issue then you will need the help of an electrician to save you from expensive renovation expenses.

Issue 3: Pest infestation

Pest infestation is a major issue to deal with the changing seasons. Other houses can also infect your house. Not all tenants are careless. Your house can become home to insects and bugs which can completely destroy the living environment of residents. If your property is old pest infestation is bound to happen. These insects can damage your furniture and cabinets.

There are many treatments available in the market to try at home. To avoid this from happening arrange a thorough inspection at least twice a month. The infestation can escalate within months. This pest control examination can save your house from large infestations and can benefit you in long run.


Issue 4: Plumbing issues:

Plumbing issues top the list of maintenance issues. The problem may arise anywhere in sinks, showers, toilets, or drains. There may be leakage, broken faucets, bad smell, cracked and old pipes, or any other problem. These products are daily usage items of residents and these issues can make their lives miserable. Your negligence could ruin the wood floorings, furniture, or even appliances of the house. The water leakage can increase your water expenses.

This living situation is not ideal for residents. If left unattended can escalate very quickly. You could try some chemicals or DIY at home to open clogged pipes and drains. Some are easy to diagnose while others may require new parts or complete changing of pipelines.  For a long-term solution, you will need to call the plumber. You should schedule regular visits to prevent any major destruction.

Issue 5: Home Appliances:

The appliances are mandatory to make a house functional. They are an expensive and long-term investment. Appliances can collapse due to poor wiring or short circuit. These items should be up-to-date. As a property owner, you have to make sure every appliance is working efficiently. Poor wiring can result in mishaps that could be life-threatening.

To diagnose and fix home appliances you need to have certain knowledge and expertise. The residents should feel completely safe while using them. To prevent these accidents from happening schedule consistent check-ups of electricians.

The above mentioned are top property maintenance problems. As you can see, most of the maintenance issues cannot be solved at home. This process is very complex and time-consuming. You cannot predict the life span of appliances in your house. Hiring a property maintenance company is your best choice. They will do all the heavy lifting to bring your house back in practicable condition.

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